About StudySmarter

At StudySmarter, we want to empower everyone to achieve their educational goals.

We are one of the leading EdTech startups in the world, revolutionizing education through intelligent, user-centric solutions and cutting-edge AI technology.

Accessible on both mobile and desktop platforms, our award-winning all-in-one study platform is tailored to diverse learning needs, ensuring a personalized and effective learning environment.

StudySmarter provides intelligent tools for learning material creation including flashcards and notes and also enables access to shared materials of the global learner community. Our app, trusted by 22+ million learners worldwide, hosts an extensive repository of 500 million study materials, offering smart AI tools for study and revision.

StudySmarter bridges students and pupils with potential employers, smoothing the shift from academia to professional careers. Selected by over 1000 companies to showcase their job openings or traineeships, our platform ensures an ideal target audience and attains a conversion rate several times higher than other job platforms, influencing the future of professional success.

Generative AI Engineer

at StudySmarter


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Company Industry Type:

E-Learning Providers

Founded Year:


Company Size:

201-500 employees